Five By Cade
- 25-07-2015, 20:34
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- Stories / Spit
- found a mistake?
Tokyo Train Station
Here's a toilet scene I did in Tokyo. I wrote this last year, some time after the event itself... one of those times when you feel really trashy and very raunchy. One of the times you feel you want to stretch a limit and revel in it, when you've gone over the limit you want to glory in the fact.
This summer, feeling really horny I went into a station toilet, famous for being a gay cruising toilet. There are the usual urinals and four or five stalls. In Japan many of the toilets, especially public ones are porcelain squat toilets, where you squat over a porcelain oval inserted into the floor. The toilet has a flush system as normal, but there is no actual water sitting on the porcelain oval. Well, I'd been jerking my dick at the urinal, but no one interesting had come in, then a tallish young guy in torn jeans and a sweatshirt came in. I turned around and looked. He had cropped black hair, angular features and was carrying a tennis racket. He looked sweaty, his shirt was open and his high top sneakers were unlaced. He didn't look at me but walked straight into a stall and closed the door. I could hear him unbuckle his pants, then he grunted once or twice. This got me real steaming horny. I left the urinal and went over to the door of his stall. I peered in through the crack in the door and could just make him out sitting there crapping, one arm around his knees the other holding his dick. I was dripping with pre-cum and could feel the steady beat of my heart with the excitement. I stood back from the door, heard him fart, heard the toilet paper roll unwind and heard the sound of this sweaty young guy wiping his ass. I turned away as I heard him move to open the door. He came out quickly, went to the sink and then left. I realized he hadn’t flushed. There was no one around so I went into the stall and closed the door. The stall stank of his shit and as I looked down, there on the porcelain was a mound of his brown dump, paper to one side. Three of four solid looking turds lay on top of each other in a brown heap. My dick just leapt and I felt this great exciting thump in my legs. In a second I dropped my jeans, pushed down my jockeys and knelt down close to the shitload. I leaned forward, put my nose close to the shit and smelled the heady rank smell of fresh shit. I had my nose into someone's shit on the floor of a public toilet! That was more than enough to get me going. I jerked away as I hit the poppers. Then, with the hit of the poppers I reached out my hand and touched the shit. It was warm and soft. I dug my fingers in, then withdrew them and looked at the clods of this guy's shit. The feeling of the shit with the popper hit was intense- my whole body ached for the shit. In one movement I pushed my fingers into my mouth and sucked down on the shit.
Slowly I took them out of my mouth. The popper hit wore off and I could taste the bitter shit in my mouth. I looked down at my dick, dripping pre-cum and started jerking slowly with my shit hand. I knew I needed more. I took another big snort - I really wanted to be a part of this shit, this young guy's shit. Kneeling on the floor I stretched over and lowered my face near the shit and as the poppers kicked in, stuck out my tongue and started licking at the turds on the porcelain. I couldn't see anything, just the feeling of the poppers, the shit - warm and heavy - and the taste and feel of pasty shit in my mouth. I licked deeper and then used my tongue as a scoop and wiped it across the top of the shit. I had wet shit on my tongue and without thinking I swallowed it. The pasty sensation made me gag, but it was OK. I was still kneeling on the floor. What next? I decided to wipe up my mouth with toilet paper and stood up to do so. I looked down at the shit again, surely I couldn't just leave it there, I needed it so bad and wanted to make the best of this first time public toilet scene. Then I knew what to do. I pulled up my jockeys, my jeans were still around my ankles. Then knelt down again. I breathed up the poppers, stared at the shit and took a handful of shit from the pile and dumped it into my jockeys. It was thick, and warm. I felt it fall into my crotch. I scooped up another handful and dropped it over my cock and balls, the rest followed. I looked down to my dick which was now thickly covered with this guy's shit. The popper hit wore off and slowly I stood up adjusting my jockeys - I didn't want to loose any. I pulled up my jeans, zipped them up and started wiping my hands on the toilet paper. Not very effective and there were shit marks on the front of my jeans, too. I pulled myself together, left the stall, rinsed my hands in the sink and started walking to the station platform to get the train home.
It was really quite a sensation standing on the train feeling the pile of shit in my jockeys oozing between my legs. The front of my jeans had quite a few shit smears, too. As I'd had the shit in my mouth, I had no idea what other people could smell. The whole scene really gave me a buzz. There's about a ten-minute walk from the station to my place. I took it at a slow pace, feeling the pasty shit rub against my body and jockeys. I rubbed the outside of my jeans as I walked, it felt good to spread the shit around a bit. I got my stuff ready and lay down in front of the TV with one of David of SF videos. I pushed down my jeans and saw the mess. The front of my jockeys were pasted brown with shit. My cock was covered in thick shit which had coated itself to me, I fingered the bits I could feel and watched the video. A couple of snorts soon got me really going. I took off my pants, scraped some of the shit off my crotch and added it to the shit in the jockeys, so there was a pile of soft shit lying in the middle. I stared at the jockeys as I lay them down, then pushed my face right into the shitload, mouth open. I rubbed my face around in the shit and pushed the jockeys into my mouth. I was a piece of shit myself, just like the shit in the jockeys! I was shit from this guy's asshole. Intense feeling. I came on the spot without touching my dick.
Sunday Solo
I got up feeling horny this morning. While having coffee I felt the sudden heavy urge to shit. I held it, the feeling passed. I thought I should get a few things together. But this was obviously going to be a shit morning. No escape.
The very thought of a shit morning increased the shit urge. I got some newspaper, poppers and a good shit story and went into the shower room. I put the paper on the floor and the Shitlist story on a shelf - at eye level when squatting. I took a popper hit and started reading to get me started. I was squatting with my legs wide open. I felt the shit move down my chute and push out of my hole. It moved heavily and slowly, the relief was great. It curled down onto the paper in one movement - one large thick soft turd. Deep brown, creamy looking with softer shit that had fallen to the side. Fresh smelling and rich, I picked the paper up and put the whole thing on the shelf in front of me. I stared at it and jerked myself. I took a short snort of popper, felt the rush and took a piece of soft shit from the side and clapped it onto my dick. I love using shit as a thick lubricant. My dick and balls were all browned up, my dick just a thick coat of brown. I started to read the story again - a solo action story not unlike what I was doing - that made it all the more exciting. I continued jerking off.
Staring at the shit I moved in closer, got my nose right onto it, smelled that fresh warm shit smell. I put my tongue out and licked across the turd on the top. It was warm and pasty, I licked again, deeper this time, getting more shit into my mouth. I tasted the bitter brown of the turd. I had to have more. It just got me going. I moved my mouth onto the shit, opened and closed down on the turd, pulling it into my mouth. Some fell onto my chest and rolled onto my dick. My mouth was filled with my own shit. I chewed down on it and sucked it in and out. I wanted that popper rush again so I snorted deeply, stared at the shit and with the rush pushed my face full into the shit. The shit was thick and my face was totally buried in it. My hand moved down to start beating my dick, I stood up and moved to the mirror. I had no face just a brown pile of shit - my fcae felt hot under the shit, I wiped a load off and trailed it over my tits massaging it into them. It felt good. Rubbing the shit into my dick felt better. I looked up at the mirror and liked what I saw. I started beating off while looking at myself in the mirror. My cum spattered against the basin and across the mirror. I felt really trashed, filthy and that was the excitement, I guess.
I do sometimes go to a bathhouse that has dark saunas and rooms with mattresses with covers. Get into finger fuckin' guys and checking out whether they are storing shit. Often, there's something, so I get my finger right up there and drag out what I can. Maybe suck on my fingers or wipe the shit round my balls. Kinda exciting to be into shit from guys whose face you haven't seen. Of course sometimes guys don't like it, pull me away, or leave. But... I do get my fingers up quite a lot a assholes, so its worth it!
I remember starting in on a guy - lying down on a mattress. He had the cover pulled up to his chest and I got under it. Warm and dark I started sucking his dick then slavered around crotch and went to his asshole. I lifted his legs slightly and got my tongue into his ass. Hot work under a cover! Then I slipped my wet finger in. It hit thick, soft shit immediately - just slid right into it. I felt the resistance of the shit as I pulled out to push in another finger. The air under the cover was rank with the smell of his shit and my sweat - I wondered if he knew what I was doing. I moved my fingers around and slowly withdrew them. They were thick with pasty shit, warm from his ass. I slid them straight into my mouth and sucked. The bitter shit was rich and soft, it just seemed to melt and run down my throat. I went back for more. I made a scoop with my two fingers and pushed them as far as they'd go up his ass. He jumped a little and "Huh!" sounded surprised. As I began to slide my fingers out, his asshole suddenly contracted and I found myself holding a a handful of his hot, wet shit. He realized what had happened, raised his legs, pulled himself from the cover and left. He went in an instant and I was left, still under the cover holding his shit. I trailed my hand down my chest and pasted the rest on my dick and balls. I turned onto my back, and still with the cover over me, beat off with the shit while I sucked on my fingers. I wiped off the thick shit with the cover, wrapped my towel around my waist, then strolled nonchalently into the shower room! That was a thrill in itself!
We were lying in bed on top of a plastic cloth, covered with a cotton bed sheet. I was chewing his tits with the other sheet up over my head. He was wearing a pair of white underpants and was sweating. I turned and trailed my tongue from his tits to his arm pits. The sharp underarm smell hit me like a blast of poppers. I always get real turned sucking on rank hairy armpits. I put mt tongue out and licked out his pit, breathing deeply to get a charge out of that smell. He farted, a sharp crack like fart followed by a longer slow sloppy fart. The air filled with his shit stink, I knew where I had to go. Still working his tit, my other hand trailed down to his ass and slid into the crack. It was warm and wet. I rubbed the crack and carried the wetness to my mouth as I sucked down on my fingers. They smelled of dirty ass. His dick was hard and his hairy balls were tight. My hand went back to his asscrack. I found his hole and pushed my fingers into the opening. He told me to stay there and play. I did and I knew what was coming. I could feel him draw breath and strain. I felt his ass ring tighten and his muscles contract, his whole ass seemed to move down. There was a fart and suddenly my hand filled with the hot wetness of his shit as it pushed into his underpants. I contined to chew on his tits, as if nothing had happened. Everything seemed just natural. I lifted my hand out of his ass, brought it round to his front and plastered it over his cock and balls. Hot soft shit covered his ballsack and stuck to his hairs. I played my hand up and down his dick, covering it in brown as I did so. I took my hand out of his underpants and the white cotton once again covered him. I slipped further down in the bed so my head faced his crotch. I rubbed the underpants into him and watched the brown stain spread thickly over the front as I wiped off my hand.
My body pulsed with excitement, I leaned foward and stuck my tongue into his underpants. I tasted the strong bitter shit. Slowly I licked upward feeling the wet cotton on his dick, then down again to his balls. I spat more of my drool onto his pants, the spit mixed with the brown shit so that his pants clung to his dick. I pulled his pants away a bit and pushed the top down to below his balls. His cock jumped out at me, strong, brown and wet. I stared at the clods of shit sticking onto his dick then opened my mouth and went down on it, slowly easing it onto my tongue. I folded my lips right round it and sucked down . Dark and strong I felt the shit drool go down my throat and swallowed hard. I was sweating, it was hot, wet work under the sheet. I pushed his pants down further, I wanted to get my mouth around his balls. Here, the shit was thicker, caked around the hairy ballsack and in clods around his balls. My tongue licked as I inhaled that shit smell. I felt my lips slide into the shit covering his balls and as I opened my mouth it forced its way onto my tongue. I lapped eagerly at his balls and swallowed automatically, feeling the thickness of the pasty brown shit in my throat.
I raised my head and took a breath, his cock stood brown and firm with a rope of cum juice from the tip of his dick to his shit matted pubic hair. I pulled up his underpants as he moved his ass and squirmed in the bed. I looked at him still under the sheet. His pants were browned up in the front and the sheet had brown smears from where it had touched the action. He raised his legs and bent his knees. I changed position and got my face right next to his underpants covered ass. I waited, almost holding my breath. I saw his ass push out as he strained. I waited again then saw the seat of his pants move to make way for the shit he was dumping. The swelling under his asshole continued to grow as the shit pushed out. I felt it first with my hand, feeling the warm firm turds, then got my tongue onto it and ran it along the turd trapped in this guy's underpants. I moved lower, I had to get into these pants, I could see the bulge in his pants and the brown shit stain running from his pants and onto the sheet in a widening mess. I inched down, lifted the leg of his underpants as he raised his leg a little so that I could get in. I could see the layer of shit wedged between his legs, clinging to his asscrack and underpants. The shit was mashed into his butt hole and hung loosely in the crotch of his underpants. It was dark and thick, I moved down, lunged forward and pushed my face into his butt. The soft, thick shit pushed into my cheeks. I stuck out my tongue groping for his asshole, pushing the shit aside. I could feel the hot wet softness sliding past my cheeks. Hot work. I was sweating heavily. This added to the thrill of getting into a man's shit. I felt Iwas his underpants, I was the brown crotch in his underpants, a wet brown crotch living between this man's legs. This feeling drove me further, I wrapped my tongue around his asshole and sucked in the shit. The guy moved, his asshole lifted itself from my lips, the sheet was thrown back and the guy stood over me. I looked up. His jockey shorts were a mass of brown with runnels of shit starting to move down his left leg. I raised myself up, holding myself onto his leg as I slid my tongue up his hairy thigh to lick up the shit leaking from his pants. I lay back, he turned around and smiled; I knew he was ready. I saw his butt move as he positioned himself over me. His hands went to the top of his pants and he slowly started peeling them down. The shit stuck thick and heavily to the pants and coated his asscheeks in a big brown pasty mess. I reached out for the poppers and inhaled deeply, the shit covered ass above me took on a meaning of its own, it came alive as my body started thumping in response to the amyl. I stared upward as he peeled away his pants.
His hands grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart, the thick shit covered asshole made its way down to my face. I readied my tongue to meet the shit as his ass landed heavily on my mouth. His ass pressed into my face as I felt the shit being forced into my mouth and the excess squelch off my face and onto the sheet beside me. For a second I couldn't breathe, I lifted him off a little, allowing me room to move my tongue around this asshole. My face felt warm covered in his shit, I licked his asshole and swallowed quickly the shit that found its way into my mouth. The warm thickness inside my mouth made me gag. I leaned forward and retched, but the shit slid down, I was in control. I swallowed again and realised I'd passed a limit. The guy slid his ass around on my face, spreading his shit further. Without warning he stood up and turned round to face me, 'Fuckin' great, man. Your mouth is like a fuckin' asshole, now. Yeah, just like a an asshole full of shit, my shit! Guess, I'm gonna fuck that asshole face of yours. Just keep that hole open.' He took his dick in hand, bent his legs and slowly knelt down and pushed his dick into my mouth. The dick pushed aside the shit which rolled out of my mouth . He pushed foward, then back, then again. He took his dick and started humping it. The shit fell out of my mouth and down my chest. Yeah, he was fucking my shit filled mouth, fucking a real toilet, just a ring of brown shit in a live wet hole.
He reached down with the poppers, I took a snort and then he did. He was more insistent now, his hand jerking more quickly and my mouth clenching down on his dick more tightly. My mind answered the poppers, I was a toilet, I was the piece of shit in the toilet that he was fucking, yeah, I was the turd wrapped around his dick. 'Fuck it man', I groaned, he pushed forward and leaned into my face. I felt his dick contract and his cum hit the back of my mouth, then again. He pulled away a little as I opened my mouth, it released the pressure on his dick and another shot of cum hit my tongue. I closed my mouth on his dick again and swallowed. His dick lay hot and full in my mouth. Slowly I let it go, it was still hard, shining wet and slimey brown. He stood back, sighed and looked down. He bent down and picked up his underpants, being careful not to move the piece of shit hanging in the crotch. He looked at it, nodded and held out the pants. I took them, opened them out and stepped into them. I was wearing his shit, man. I felt the now cool shit against my skin and his turd up against my legs. He handed me my jeans. I put them on and zipped them up. Yeah, I was wearing his shit, warming it up, encased in my jeans. He came over to me and spread his hands across my ass and up my legs, pushing the shit around. His hands rubbed the front of my jeans roughly as he grabbed my dick and mashed the shit filled pants around. His hand was big and firm on my dick, the shit felt hot and wet. He starting jerking me through the jeans until I drew that last breath before I shot my load into the shit in my pants.
Straddle Me
He sat on the sofa, naked with his legs splayed out in front of him, His dick stood erect greasy with pre-cum. I squatted on the floor in front of him and leaned forward to tongue my way to his dick. He stood up, spread his legs and bent his knees a little. I knew what he wanted and I was eager, too. Still squatting on the floor I closed my mouth over his dick and started to run my hand into his ass-crack. I felt his asshole, hot and already wet. Slowly I pushed a finger into his ass and pulled harder on his dick. My finger slid in deeper, then I felt it. Shit. Warm and thick around my finger. Slowly I pulled my finger down; it was lightly covered with brown. Quickly I spat on two fingers and pushed them into his ass and ran them through his shit. I turned them around in his asshole, he groaned and opened his legs wider. He bent down to give me a hit of popper. The sudden urgency of the popper made me pull my fingers out of his asshole. I had to see the dark brown clods of shit on my fingers. I held them to my nose, I could smell his body, his sweat and his shit - I wanted more - I pushed my fingers into my mouth and sucked on them. Dark and rank, I sucked and licked the soft shit into my mouth. He squatted down with me, put a hand under his own asshole and grunted . He strained some and slowly laid a turd while I watched. I saw it lying there in his hand, wet and brown, straight from this guy's asshole. A real piece of hot shit - shit-dirt from a man's ass. He held it up to me, I smelled it, then slowly put out my tongue to lick its length. Rich soft and silky with a pungent bitter bite. Back and forth he ran it along my tongue, then I took a popper hit, waited a few seconds, before he slid the turd into my mouth. I took it, bit into it and let it hang in my mouth. Then closed my lips on it. A lump of man's shit in my mouth, yes, real toilet shit in my mouth. I opened and closed my mouth on it. The guy took a big blast of poppers himself while he looked at me kneeling on the floor. He stared at me as the poppers kicked in, moved in closer, leaned over to my face and with his open mouth locked it onto mine. We lay together, mouths fixed, exchanging the shitload back and forward until it drooled out of our mouths.
His lips pulled away from mine and as he leaned back on his heels his fingers moved to my mouth, slid passed my lips and pushed the remaining shit down my throat. Not content with that, he leaned forward and positioned his mouth above mine and formed a gob of thick brown spit. He pursed his lips and slowly the gob formed and started to drop in a rope into my mouth. I felt it land on the back of my tongue and immediately swallowed the slimey gob.
He spun around with his back to me and squatted above me. In an instant I was staring up into his shit smeared asshole. It was right above me, heavy, with shit stuck to his ass hair. He lowered his ass onto my lips. I felt the weight of his ass on my mouth. Excitement man! A man's ass, covered with shit was on my mouth. I forced my tongue out and licked slowly through the shit layer feeling the rough hairs on his ass. I was used to the bitter taste of the shit by now, used to the gritty bits in the shit, used to the feel of biting through a harder turd and have it press against my tongue. The more I thought about where I was at, the more of a turn on it became. He backed off, I caught my breath. His ass eased itself off my mouth and hovered above me, a mess of thick brown. He strained and a wet fart cut the air, I saw his ass lips push open, retract and then push open again. The pointed end of a turd began to poke through his asshole. Slowly it edged its way out, dark brown, large-grained and knotted. As more of the shit appeared it hung down in one piece out of his ass. I raised my head, opened my mouth and felt the turd on my tongue, thick and warm. I didn't want to break it off, I lightly closed my lips around it and slowly moved my mouth up and down its length. I was linked to this guy's asshole by a piece of shit, I could taste the musty bitterness melting onto my tongue and felt the drool running out of the side of my mouth. I opened my throat so the excess drool could run down into me. Yeah, I was staring up at this piece of shit moving into me just like an asshole slowly dropping a turd into a toilet bowl. I was there, man, I was the toilet, a real live toilet waiting for the shit to drop into me..
He moved, the turd broke and fell heavily onto my chin. The guy turned around. He bent down, took the shit off my chin and wiped it over his dick. He wanted more and pushed his fingers into my mouth to take out the lump of wet shit lying on my tongue. He pasted this over his dick. Yes, I thought, he's lubing up - I know where this dick is going. He straddled a chair and facing him I held his shit covered dick and rubbed it around my asshole. I was ready, I sank my ass onto the dick and felt the heavy fullness of it sliding into me, sliding through my own shit. I raised myself off his dick and strained to force the shit out of me. I wanted to shit on his dick. I pushed out a wad of shit onto his thigh. He quickly scooped it up and pushed it into my mouth, then grabbed the poppers and we shared a hit. His dick pressed into me as he took his hands, put them under my ass to steady my movements. We looked at each other's mouths, like assholes smeared with dark shit. The poppers throbbed through me, we pushed our mouths together, tongued the shit and passed it mouth to mouth. He groaned, grabbed my ass and thrust against me heavily. I could feel his dick spasm through the shit in my ass. The cum creamed into my asshole as I felt the jerks of his dick. Yeah, I wanted that cum with my shit, his shit, my shit, his cum. I took the poppers and snorted as I lifted myself off his dick. I looked down to a mass of thick wet brown covering his dick with a gob of just released cum. Feeling the poppers now, I knelt down and pushed my mouth right onto the brown pile. The rush forced me to suck up the mess. I felt my hands tighten as I came over the guys legs without touching my dick.
Here's a toilet scene I did in Tokyo. I wrote this last year, some time after the event itself... one of those times when you feel really trashy and very raunchy. One of the times you feel you want to stretch a limit and revel in it, when you've gone over the limit you want to glory in the fact.
This summer, feeling really horny I went into a station toilet, famous for being a gay cruising toilet. There are the usual urinals and four or five stalls. In Japan many of the toilets, especially public ones are porcelain squat toilets, where you squat over a porcelain oval inserted into the floor. The toilet has a flush system as normal, but there is no actual water sitting on the porcelain oval. Well, I'd been jerking my dick at the urinal, but no one interesting had come in, then a tallish young guy in torn jeans and a sweatshirt came in. I turned around and looked. He had cropped black hair, angular features and was carrying a tennis racket. He looked sweaty, his shirt was open and his high top sneakers were unlaced. He didn't look at me but walked straight into a stall and closed the door. I could hear him unbuckle his pants, then he grunted once or twice. This got me real steaming horny. I left the urinal and went over to the door of his stall. I peered in through the crack in the door and could just make him out sitting there crapping, one arm around his knees the other holding his dick. I was dripping with pre-cum and could feel the steady beat of my heart with the excitement. I stood back from the door, heard him fart, heard the toilet paper roll unwind and heard the sound of this sweaty young guy wiping his ass. I turned away as I heard him move to open the door. He came out quickly, went to the sink and then left. I realized he hadn’t flushed. There was no one around so I went into the stall and closed the door. The stall stank of his shit and as I looked down, there on the porcelain was a mound of his brown dump, paper to one side. Three of four solid looking turds lay on top of each other in a brown heap. My dick just leapt and I felt this great exciting thump in my legs. In a second I dropped my jeans, pushed down my jockeys and knelt down close to the shitload. I leaned forward, put my nose close to the shit and smelled the heady rank smell of fresh shit. I had my nose into someone's shit on the floor of a public toilet! That was more than enough to get me going. I jerked away as I hit the poppers. Then, with the hit of the poppers I reached out my hand and touched the shit. It was warm and soft. I dug my fingers in, then withdrew them and looked at the clods of this guy's shit. The feeling of the shit with the popper hit was intense- my whole body ached for the shit. In one movement I pushed my fingers into my mouth and sucked down on the shit.
Slowly I took them out of my mouth. The popper hit wore off and I could taste the bitter shit in my mouth. I looked down at my dick, dripping pre-cum and started jerking slowly with my shit hand. I knew I needed more. I took another big snort - I really wanted to be a part of this shit, this young guy's shit. Kneeling on the floor I stretched over and lowered my face near the shit and as the poppers kicked in, stuck out my tongue and started licking at the turds on the porcelain. I couldn't see anything, just the feeling of the poppers, the shit - warm and heavy - and the taste and feel of pasty shit in my mouth. I licked deeper and then used my tongue as a scoop and wiped it across the top of the shit. I had wet shit on my tongue and without thinking I swallowed it. The pasty sensation made me gag, but it was OK. I was still kneeling on the floor. What next? I decided to wipe up my mouth with toilet paper and stood up to do so. I looked down at the shit again, surely I couldn't just leave it there, I needed it so bad and wanted to make the best of this first time public toilet scene. Then I knew what to do. I pulled up my jockeys, my jeans were still around my ankles. Then knelt down again. I breathed up the poppers, stared at the shit and took a handful of shit from the pile and dumped it into my jockeys. It was thick, and warm. I felt it fall into my crotch. I scooped up another handful and dropped it over my cock and balls, the rest followed. I looked down to my dick which was now thickly covered with this guy's shit. The popper hit wore off and slowly I stood up adjusting my jockeys - I didn't want to loose any. I pulled up my jeans, zipped them up and started wiping my hands on the toilet paper. Not very effective and there were shit marks on the front of my jeans, too. I pulled myself together, left the stall, rinsed my hands in the sink and started walking to the station platform to get the train home.
It was really quite a sensation standing on the train feeling the pile of shit in my jockeys oozing between my legs. The front of my jeans had quite a few shit smears, too. As I'd had the shit in my mouth, I had no idea what other people could smell. The whole scene really gave me a buzz. There's about a ten-minute walk from the station to my place. I took it at a slow pace, feeling the pasty shit rub against my body and jockeys. I rubbed the outside of my jeans as I walked, it felt good to spread the shit around a bit. I got my stuff ready and lay down in front of the TV with one of David of SF videos. I pushed down my jeans and saw the mess. The front of my jockeys were pasted brown with shit. My cock was covered in thick shit which had coated itself to me, I fingered the bits I could feel and watched the video. A couple of snorts soon got me really going. I took off my pants, scraped some of the shit off my crotch and added it to the shit in the jockeys, so there was a pile of soft shit lying in the middle. I stared at the jockeys as I lay them down, then pushed my face right into the shitload, mouth open. I rubbed my face around in the shit and pushed the jockeys into my mouth. I was a piece of shit myself, just like the shit in the jockeys! I was shit from this guy's asshole. Intense feeling. I came on the spot without touching my dick.
Sunday Solo
I got up feeling horny this morning. While having coffee I felt the sudden heavy urge to shit. I held it, the feeling passed. I thought I should get a few things together. But this was obviously going to be a shit morning. No escape.
The very thought of a shit morning increased the shit urge. I got some newspaper, poppers and a good shit story and went into the shower room. I put the paper on the floor and the Shitlist story on a shelf - at eye level when squatting. I took a popper hit and started reading to get me started. I was squatting with my legs wide open. I felt the shit move down my chute and push out of my hole. It moved heavily and slowly, the relief was great. It curled down onto the paper in one movement - one large thick soft turd. Deep brown, creamy looking with softer shit that had fallen to the side. Fresh smelling and rich, I picked the paper up and put the whole thing on the shelf in front of me. I stared at it and jerked myself. I took a short snort of popper, felt the rush and took a piece of soft shit from the side and clapped it onto my dick. I love using shit as a thick lubricant. My dick and balls were all browned up, my dick just a thick coat of brown. I started to read the story again - a solo action story not unlike what I was doing - that made it all the more exciting. I continued jerking off.
Staring at the shit I moved in closer, got my nose right onto it, smelled that fresh warm shit smell. I put my tongue out and licked across the turd on the top. It was warm and pasty, I licked again, deeper this time, getting more shit into my mouth. I tasted the bitter brown of the turd. I had to have more. It just got me going. I moved my mouth onto the shit, opened and closed down on the turd, pulling it into my mouth. Some fell onto my chest and rolled onto my dick. My mouth was filled with my own shit. I chewed down on it and sucked it in and out. I wanted that popper rush again so I snorted deeply, stared at the shit and with the rush pushed my face full into the shit. The shit was thick and my face was totally buried in it. My hand moved down to start beating my dick, I stood up and moved to the mirror. I had no face just a brown pile of shit - my fcae felt hot under the shit, I wiped a load off and trailed it over my tits massaging it into them. It felt good. Rubbing the shit into my dick felt better. I looked up at the mirror and liked what I saw. I started beating off while looking at myself in the mirror. My cum spattered against the basin and across the mirror. I felt really trashed, filthy and that was the excitement, I guess.
I do sometimes go to a bathhouse that has dark saunas and rooms with mattresses with covers. Get into finger fuckin' guys and checking out whether they are storing shit. Often, there's something, so I get my finger right up there and drag out what I can. Maybe suck on my fingers or wipe the shit round my balls. Kinda exciting to be into shit from guys whose face you haven't seen. Of course sometimes guys don't like it, pull me away, or leave. But... I do get my fingers up quite a lot a assholes, so its worth it!
I remember starting in on a guy - lying down on a mattress. He had the cover pulled up to his chest and I got under it. Warm and dark I started sucking his dick then slavered around crotch and went to his asshole. I lifted his legs slightly and got my tongue into his ass. Hot work under a cover! Then I slipped my wet finger in. It hit thick, soft shit immediately - just slid right into it. I felt the resistance of the shit as I pulled out to push in another finger. The air under the cover was rank with the smell of his shit and my sweat - I wondered if he knew what I was doing. I moved my fingers around and slowly withdrew them. They were thick with pasty shit, warm from his ass. I slid them straight into my mouth and sucked. The bitter shit was rich and soft, it just seemed to melt and run down my throat. I went back for more. I made a scoop with my two fingers and pushed them as far as they'd go up his ass. He jumped a little and "Huh!" sounded surprised. As I began to slide my fingers out, his asshole suddenly contracted and I found myself holding a a handful of his hot, wet shit. He realized what had happened, raised his legs, pulled himself from the cover and left. He went in an instant and I was left, still under the cover holding his shit. I trailed my hand down my chest and pasted the rest on my dick and balls. I turned onto my back, and still with the cover over me, beat off with the shit while I sucked on my fingers. I wiped off the thick shit with the cover, wrapped my towel around my waist, then strolled nonchalently into the shower room! That was a thrill in itself!
We were lying in bed on top of a plastic cloth, covered with a cotton bed sheet. I was chewing his tits with the other sheet up over my head. He was wearing a pair of white underpants and was sweating. I turned and trailed my tongue from his tits to his arm pits. The sharp underarm smell hit me like a blast of poppers. I always get real turned sucking on rank hairy armpits. I put mt tongue out and licked out his pit, breathing deeply to get a charge out of that smell. He farted, a sharp crack like fart followed by a longer slow sloppy fart. The air filled with his shit stink, I knew where I had to go. Still working his tit, my other hand trailed down to his ass and slid into the crack. It was warm and wet. I rubbed the crack and carried the wetness to my mouth as I sucked down on my fingers. They smelled of dirty ass. His dick was hard and his hairy balls were tight. My hand went back to his asscrack. I found his hole and pushed my fingers into the opening. He told me to stay there and play. I did and I knew what was coming. I could feel him draw breath and strain. I felt his ass ring tighten and his muscles contract, his whole ass seemed to move down. There was a fart and suddenly my hand filled with the hot wetness of his shit as it pushed into his underpants. I contined to chew on his tits, as if nothing had happened. Everything seemed just natural. I lifted my hand out of his ass, brought it round to his front and plastered it over his cock and balls. Hot soft shit covered his ballsack and stuck to his hairs. I played my hand up and down his dick, covering it in brown as I did so. I took my hand out of his underpants and the white cotton once again covered him. I slipped further down in the bed so my head faced his crotch. I rubbed the underpants into him and watched the brown stain spread thickly over the front as I wiped off my hand.
My body pulsed with excitement, I leaned foward and stuck my tongue into his underpants. I tasted the strong bitter shit. Slowly I licked upward feeling the wet cotton on his dick, then down again to his balls. I spat more of my drool onto his pants, the spit mixed with the brown shit so that his pants clung to his dick. I pulled his pants away a bit and pushed the top down to below his balls. His cock jumped out at me, strong, brown and wet. I stared at the clods of shit sticking onto his dick then opened my mouth and went down on it, slowly easing it onto my tongue. I folded my lips right round it and sucked down . Dark and strong I felt the shit drool go down my throat and swallowed hard. I was sweating, it was hot, wet work under the sheet. I pushed his pants down further, I wanted to get my mouth around his balls. Here, the shit was thicker, caked around the hairy ballsack and in clods around his balls. My tongue licked as I inhaled that shit smell. I felt my lips slide into the shit covering his balls and as I opened my mouth it forced its way onto my tongue. I lapped eagerly at his balls and swallowed automatically, feeling the thickness of the pasty brown shit in my throat.
I raised my head and took a breath, his cock stood brown and firm with a rope of cum juice from the tip of his dick to his shit matted pubic hair. I pulled up his underpants as he moved his ass and squirmed in the bed. I looked at him still under the sheet. His pants were browned up in the front and the sheet had brown smears from where it had touched the action. He raised his legs and bent his knees. I changed position and got my face right next to his underpants covered ass. I waited, almost holding my breath. I saw his ass push out as he strained. I waited again then saw the seat of his pants move to make way for the shit he was dumping. The swelling under his asshole continued to grow as the shit pushed out. I felt it first with my hand, feeling the warm firm turds, then got my tongue onto it and ran it along the turd trapped in this guy's underpants. I moved lower, I had to get into these pants, I could see the bulge in his pants and the brown shit stain running from his pants and onto the sheet in a widening mess. I inched down, lifted the leg of his underpants as he raised his leg a little so that I could get in. I could see the layer of shit wedged between his legs, clinging to his asscrack and underpants. The shit was mashed into his butt hole and hung loosely in the crotch of his underpants. It was dark and thick, I moved down, lunged forward and pushed my face into his butt. The soft, thick shit pushed into my cheeks. I stuck out my tongue groping for his asshole, pushing the shit aside. I could feel the hot wet softness sliding past my cheeks. Hot work. I was sweating heavily. This added to the thrill of getting into a man's shit. I felt Iwas his underpants, I was the brown crotch in his underpants, a wet brown crotch living between this man's legs. This feeling drove me further, I wrapped my tongue around his asshole and sucked in the shit. The guy moved, his asshole lifted itself from my lips, the sheet was thrown back and the guy stood over me. I looked up. His jockey shorts were a mass of brown with runnels of shit starting to move down his left leg. I raised myself up, holding myself onto his leg as I slid my tongue up his hairy thigh to lick up the shit leaking from his pants. I lay back, he turned around and smiled; I knew he was ready. I saw his butt move as he positioned himself over me. His hands went to the top of his pants and he slowly started peeling them down. The shit stuck thick and heavily to the pants and coated his asscheeks in a big brown pasty mess. I reached out for the poppers and inhaled deeply, the shit covered ass above me took on a meaning of its own, it came alive as my body started thumping in response to the amyl. I stared upward as he peeled away his pants.
His hands grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart, the thick shit covered asshole made its way down to my face. I readied my tongue to meet the shit as his ass landed heavily on my mouth. His ass pressed into my face as I felt the shit being forced into my mouth and the excess squelch off my face and onto the sheet beside me. For a second I couldn't breathe, I lifted him off a little, allowing me room to move my tongue around this asshole. My face felt warm covered in his shit, I licked his asshole and swallowed quickly the shit that found its way into my mouth. The warm thickness inside my mouth made me gag. I leaned forward and retched, but the shit slid down, I was in control. I swallowed again and realised I'd passed a limit. The guy slid his ass around on my face, spreading his shit further. Without warning he stood up and turned round to face me, 'Fuckin' great, man. Your mouth is like a fuckin' asshole, now. Yeah, just like a an asshole full of shit, my shit! Guess, I'm gonna fuck that asshole face of yours. Just keep that hole open.' He took his dick in hand, bent his legs and slowly knelt down and pushed his dick into my mouth. The dick pushed aside the shit which rolled out of my mouth . He pushed foward, then back, then again. He took his dick and started humping it. The shit fell out of my mouth and down my chest. Yeah, he was fucking my shit filled mouth, fucking a real toilet, just a ring of brown shit in a live wet hole.
He reached down with the poppers, I took a snort and then he did. He was more insistent now, his hand jerking more quickly and my mouth clenching down on his dick more tightly. My mind answered the poppers, I was a toilet, I was the piece of shit in the toilet that he was fucking, yeah, I was the turd wrapped around his dick. 'Fuck it man', I groaned, he pushed forward and leaned into my face. I felt his dick contract and his cum hit the back of my mouth, then again. He pulled away a little as I opened my mouth, it released the pressure on his dick and another shot of cum hit my tongue. I closed my mouth on his dick again and swallowed. His dick lay hot and full in my mouth. Slowly I let it go, it was still hard, shining wet and slimey brown. He stood back, sighed and looked down. He bent down and picked up his underpants, being careful not to move the piece of shit hanging in the crotch. He looked at it, nodded and held out the pants. I took them, opened them out and stepped into them. I was wearing his shit, man. I felt the now cool shit against my skin and his turd up against my legs. He handed me my jeans. I put them on and zipped them up. Yeah, I was wearing his shit, warming it up, encased in my jeans. He came over to me and spread his hands across my ass and up my legs, pushing the shit around. His hands rubbed the front of my jeans roughly as he grabbed my dick and mashed the shit filled pants around. His hand was big and firm on my dick, the shit felt hot and wet. He starting jerking me through the jeans until I drew that last breath before I shot my load into the shit in my pants.
Straddle Me
He sat on the sofa, naked with his legs splayed out in front of him, His dick stood erect greasy with pre-cum. I squatted on the floor in front of him and leaned forward to tongue my way to his dick. He stood up, spread his legs and bent his knees a little. I knew what he wanted and I was eager, too. Still squatting on the floor I closed my mouth over his dick and started to run my hand into his ass-crack. I felt his asshole, hot and already wet. Slowly I pushed a finger into his ass and pulled harder on his dick. My finger slid in deeper, then I felt it. Shit. Warm and thick around my finger. Slowly I pulled my finger down; it was lightly covered with brown. Quickly I spat on two fingers and pushed them into his ass and ran them through his shit. I turned them around in his asshole, he groaned and opened his legs wider. He bent down to give me a hit of popper. The sudden urgency of the popper made me pull my fingers out of his asshole. I had to see the dark brown clods of shit on my fingers. I held them to my nose, I could smell his body, his sweat and his shit - I wanted more - I pushed my fingers into my mouth and sucked on them. Dark and rank, I sucked and licked the soft shit into my mouth. He squatted down with me, put a hand under his own asshole and grunted . He strained some and slowly laid a turd while I watched. I saw it lying there in his hand, wet and brown, straight from this guy's asshole. A real piece of hot shit - shit-dirt from a man's ass. He held it up to me, I smelled it, then slowly put out my tongue to lick its length. Rich soft and silky with a pungent bitter bite. Back and forth he ran it along my tongue, then I took a popper hit, waited a few seconds, before he slid the turd into my mouth. I took it, bit into it and let it hang in my mouth. Then closed my lips on it. A lump of man's shit in my mouth, yes, real toilet shit in my mouth. I opened and closed my mouth on it. The guy took a big blast of poppers himself while he looked at me kneeling on the floor. He stared at me as the poppers kicked in, moved in closer, leaned over to my face and with his open mouth locked it onto mine. We lay together, mouths fixed, exchanging the shitload back and forward until it drooled out of our mouths.
His lips pulled away from mine and as he leaned back on his heels his fingers moved to my mouth, slid passed my lips and pushed the remaining shit down my throat. Not content with that, he leaned forward and positioned his mouth above mine and formed a gob of thick brown spit. He pursed his lips and slowly the gob formed and started to drop in a rope into my mouth. I felt it land on the back of my tongue and immediately swallowed the slimey gob.
He spun around with his back to me and squatted above me. In an instant I was staring up into his shit smeared asshole. It was right above me, heavy, with shit stuck to his ass hair. He lowered his ass onto my lips. I felt the weight of his ass on my mouth. Excitement man! A man's ass, covered with shit was on my mouth. I forced my tongue out and licked slowly through the shit layer feeling the rough hairs on his ass. I was used to the bitter taste of the shit by now, used to the gritty bits in the shit, used to the feel of biting through a harder turd and have it press against my tongue. The more I thought about where I was at, the more of a turn on it became. He backed off, I caught my breath. His ass eased itself off my mouth and hovered above me, a mess of thick brown. He strained and a wet fart cut the air, I saw his ass lips push open, retract and then push open again. The pointed end of a turd began to poke through his asshole. Slowly it edged its way out, dark brown, large-grained and knotted. As more of the shit appeared it hung down in one piece out of his ass. I raised my head, opened my mouth and felt the turd on my tongue, thick and warm. I didn't want to break it off, I lightly closed my lips around it and slowly moved my mouth up and down its length. I was linked to this guy's asshole by a piece of shit, I could taste the musty bitterness melting onto my tongue and felt the drool running out of the side of my mouth. I opened my throat so the excess drool could run down into me. Yeah, I was staring up at this piece of shit moving into me just like an asshole slowly dropping a turd into a toilet bowl. I was there, man, I was the toilet, a real live toilet waiting for the shit to drop into me..
He moved, the turd broke and fell heavily onto my chin. The guy turned around. He bent down, took the shit off my chin and wiped it over his dick. He wanted more and pushed his fingers into my mouth to take out the lump of wet shit lying on my tongue. He pasted this over his dick. Yes, I thought, he's lubing up - I know where this dick is going. He straddled a chair and facing him I held his shit covered dick and rubbed it around my asshole. I was ready, I sank my ass onto the dick and felt the heavy fullness of it sliding into me, sliding through my own shit. I raised myself off his dick and strained to force the shit out of me. I wanted to shit on his dick. I pushed out a wad of shit onto his thigh. He quickly scooped it up and pushed it into my mouth, then grabbed the poppers and we shared a hit. His dick pressed into me as he took his hands, put them under my ass to steady my movements. We looked at each other's mouths, like assholes smeared with dark shit. The poppers throbbed through me, we pushed our mouths together, tongued the shit and passed it mouth to mouth. He groaned, grabbed my ass and thrust against me heavily. I could feel his dick spasm through the shit in my ass. The cum creamed into my asshole as I felt the jerks of his dick. Yeah, I wanted that cum with my shit, his shit, my shit, his cum. I took the poppers and snorted as I lifted myself off his dick. I looked down to a mass of thick wet brown covering his dick with a gob of just released cum. Feeling the poppers now, I knelt down and pushed my mouth right onto the brown pile. The rush forced me to suck up the mess. I felt my hands tighten as I came over the guys legs without touching my dick.